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Analysis of employee voice has focused on the reasons and managerial issues regarding the available environment to speak up. The purpose of this paper is to understand the effect of management attitude on employee voice with the mediating effect of individual’s perceived psychological safety (PPS). Besides, the role of job satisfaction (JS) and being individualist/collectivist as moderators over the effect of psychological safety on employee voice are analyzed.Design/methodology/approachThe authors constructed a framework based on Maynes and Podsakoff’s (2014) view that identifies four different types of voice behavior (supportive, constructive, defensive and destructive). In total, 286 questionnaires were collected from employees working in telecommunication industry.FindingsBased on analysis, positive management attitude facilitates supportive and constructive voice (CV) and reduces destructive voice (DESV). PPS mediates the relationship with management attitude and DESV. JS level facilitates supportive CV and reduces DESV. Collectivism level of employees moderates PPS and DESV. Path analysis results showed a similar model for mediation effect of safety, and showed a better model fit and explanation for trust mediation between LMX and supportive, constructive and DESV. Supported assumptions would be discussed-based social exchange theory and signaling theory.Research limitations/implicationsThe sample is relatively small which limits the external validity of the findings.Practical implicationsResults revealed the managerial attitude over employee voice through perceived work environment (psychological safety) and trust.Originality/valueThis study is one of the first that integrates not only constructive but also DESV into the model.
Journal of Management Development – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 16, 2019
Keywords: Employee voice; Trust; Job satisfaction; Psychological safety; Management attitude
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