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Decision comprehensiveness is an important process in determining the outcomes of strategic decision-making. While recent research began to explore its individual level antecedents, a fundamental aspect of organizational life, heterogeneous goals, have not been investigated for their effects on comprehensiveness. In this study, our purpose is to study the impact of goal heterogeneity on decision comprehensiveness and explore behavioral integration as a potential mediator in this relationship.Design/methodology/approachTo test our hypotheses, we utilize a survey-based study with a sample of teams undertaking a business simulation. Our longitudinal data collection process captures team data across the initial-, mid-, and the ending-stages of the simulation.FindingsOur findings show that goal heterogeneity negatively impacts behavioral integration and decision comprehensiveness. Moreover, the negative impact of goal heterogeneity on decision comprehensiveness is mediated through behavioral integration.Originality/valueGiven that many strategic decisions are undertaken by groups of individuals, it is imperative to understand the factors that impact team-level decision-making processes. Extending the literature, we empirically show the negative effects of goal heterogeneity on decision comprehensiveness. While doing so, we also show that behavioral integration – a team trait that can endure over time, as opposed to a one-time state – can be crucial in dampening this negative effect. Our findings suggest researchers, and managers, to be cautious in assuming decision comprehensiveness may easily be achieved in any given team context.
Management Decision – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 12, 2024
Keywords: Decision making; Teams; Goals; Behavioral integration; Decision comprehensiveness
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