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ECR – another acronym or a real opportunity?
In 1992, efficient consumer response (ECR) was presented as a powerful tool for optimizing the supply chain performance within the US grocery industry. Explores the different European approaches that have been developed since then to transfer the basic ideas of ECR to Europe. Discusses the existing ECR models by criticizing their assumptions and results. The assumptions that form the basis of the paper refer to the results of the theoretical and empirical work concerning logistics carried out by the Department of Retailing and Marketing of the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. The methodological approach of this work refers to the analysis of secondary statistical data, literature review and expert interviews, conducted at the various ECR-Europe Congresses and national ECR events.
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 1, 1999
Keywords: Logistics; Models; Performance; Supply chain
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