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The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect the servant leadership on innovative work behaviour (IWB) of teachers. Besides this, the mediating effect of ambidexterity on enhancing IWB and moderating role of gender has also been investigated.Design/methodology/approachVariance-based SEM has been used for testing the proposed structural model with a sample of 350 college teachers.FindingsFindings of the study revealed that servant leadership positively influences IWB. Additionally, IWB can be augmented with the presence of individual ambidexterity.Originality/valueAs per our knowledge, the present study is the first of its kind that makes an additional contribution to the IWB literature by investigating a partial mediating role of individual ambidexterity on the relationship between servant leadership and IWB.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 13, 2023
Keywords: SEM; Servant leadership; Ambidexterity; Full mediation; Innovative work behaviour
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