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The purpose of this paper is to develop a theoretical model to explain the impact of big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) on company’s supply chain sustainability (CSCS). The secondary objective of the study is to assess the relationship between different dimensions of supply chain sustainability and companies’ BDAC.Design/methodology/approachThis research was carried out by conducting a survey among 234 pharmaceutical companies in Iran (a case study of Iran), using a standard questionnaire of BDAC and United Nations (UN) online self-assessment on supply chain sustainability. However, the respond of managers of 188 companies were usable in this research. Smart PLS3 was used to employ partial least squares method to examine the validity and reliability of the measurement and structural model.FindingsThe results of this study demonstrate that BDAC have a strong impact on both pharmaceutical supply chain sustainability, and the dimensions including vision, engage and internal. It is found that the relationships between BDAC and the other dimensions of supply chain sustainability including expect, scope and goals are not significant but positive.Research limitations/implicationsResearch on the relationship between BDAC and CSCS, especially in the pharmaceutical supply chain, is scanty, and this gap is highlighted in developing countries and the pharmaceutical supply chain that plays a prominent role in public health. This paper discusses several important barriers to forming a sustainable supply chain and strong BDA capabilities.Practical implicationsThis paper could be a guide to managers and consultants who are involved in big data analytics and sustainable development. Since UN urges companies do the online self-assessment, the results of this paper would be attractive and useful for UN global compact specialists.Originality/valueNo study has directly measured the relation between BDAC and CSCS and different dimensions of CSCS, using a comprehensive survey throughout all pharmaceutical companies in Iran. Moreover, this research assesses the different dimensions of BDA capabilities and supply chain sustainability. This paper represents the facts about situation of sustainability of pharmaceutical supply chain and BDAC in these companies, and discloses several related issues that are serious barriers to forming a sustainable supply chain and strong BDAC. In addition, this paper provided academic support for UN questionnaire about CSCS and used it in the survey.
World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 10, 2020
Keywords: Sustainable development; Pharmaceutical supply chain; Big data analytics; Global compact; Supply chain issues
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