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Based on resource-based and dynamic capabilities theorizing, this study explores how human resource analytics (HRA) can improve human resource management (HRM) performance and organizational performance, with creative problem-solving capability (CPSC) as an underlying mediator for creating value from HRA. It also explores how data quality and HRA personnel expertise act as moderators in this relationship.Design/methodology/approachHypotheses are tested in an empirical study including 191 firms using partial least square structural equation modeling technique.FindingsThe findings confirm the direct and indirect effect of HRA use and maturity on HRM and organizational performance, as well as the mediating role of CPSC. HRA personnel expertise was found to moderate the relationship between HRA and CPSC, data quality being an important factor.Originality/valueThe findings contribute to the sparse evidence of value creation from HRA use/maturity on HRM and organizational outcomes, providing a theoretical logic of resource-based view and dynamic capabilities view based on the underlying causal mechanism through which HRA creates value. The study identified complementary capabilities which when combined with HRA use/maturity and CPSC result in value creation.
Personnel Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 16, 2024
Keywords: HR analytics; Creative problem-solving; HR and firm performance
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