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This study aims to investigate the effects of hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values on their intention to use service robots. In addition, the influences of innovativeness, ease of use and compatibility on hotel customers’ perceived utilitarian and hedonic values were examined.Design/methodology/approachThe data of the current study was collected from 11 countries including the USA, UK, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Japan, Israel, India, Greece, Canada and Brazil. A structural equation modeling was used to test the study hypotheses.FindingsThe results indicated that hotel customers’ intention to use service robots was positively influenced by their utilitarian and hedonic value perceptions. In addition, customers’ perceptions of robots’ ease of use and compatibility had a positive impact on their perceived utilitarian and hedonic values.Originality/valueThe findings of the current study provide unique contributions in the context of hospitality robotics technology adoption literature. In addition, this study provides valuable insights and novel opportunities for hospitality decision-makers to capitalize on, as they strive to strategize the integration of robot-based services into their operations.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 22, 2023
Keywords: Service robots; Hedonic value; Utilitarian value; Ease of use; Hospitality robots; Hotel robots; Behavioral intention; 服务机器人; 酒店机器人; 酒店业机器人; 功能性价值; 享乐性价值; 易用性; 行为意向
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