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This paper aims to identify and classify the parameters that construct the input, processes, output, productivity and outcome variables that affect performance. These parameters are used in the evaluation model to measure research performance in universities so that they can be used as the basis for making leadership policies both at the national and institutional levels.Design/methodology/approachThe design of this research is a quantitative research method using a survey questionnaire that was sent to the heads of research institutions at universities in Indonesia. To obtain these parameters, a test for determining the value of the loading factor was used.FindingsThe authors found that input variable parameters consisted of 10 parameters; process variable consisted of 22 parameters; output variable parameters consisted of 8 parameters; productivity variable consisted of 4 parameters; and outcome variable parameters consisted of 10 parameters.Originality/valueOne approach to obtain parameters is through systems theory, where every element that makes up the organization contributes to the achievement of goals. This study attempted to develop parameters in the performance appraisal model of systems theory-based research institutions that are adapted to trends in the direction of research in universities. These parameters are based on aspects of input, process, output, productivity and outcome.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 17, 2024
Keywords: Research performance; Evaluation; Higher education; Measurement; Parameter
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