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The purpose of this study is to apply grounded theory in management research in the context of gender-based pay disparity and showcase the applicability of the method in deriving a new theory toward describing the factors responsible for the slow career advancement of women compared to men across various employment sectors. This study is focused mainly in the northern part of India.Design/methodology/approachA cross-sectional qualitative study was conducted across participants chosen by purposive sampling. Data were collected through in-depth interviews after taking informed consent with an inclusion criterion of some years of work experience. Grounded theory method was used to analyze the data found through qualitative research.FindingsThrough the grounded theory research method, an in-depth understanding of factors responsible for pay disparity as faced by women at work has emerged. Also, factors responsible for the slow career advancement of women employees viz. social construct of gender, workplace representation of gender, perceptions/perspectives of managers regarding genders, lack of multi-step affirmative actions have also emerged from the data.Practical implicationsGreater understanding has been gained toward the applicability of grounded theory as a method for expounding various aspects of management and theorizing them.Originality/valueThis particular work showcases the intent and applicability of the grounded theory research method in management research by studying gender-based pay disparity. Through this method, barriers faced by women in pay parity across various employment sectors in the northern part of India were ascertained, leading to the emergence of various probable solutions as well.
Journal of Advances in Management Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 10, 2022
Keywords: Grounded theory; Gender constructs; Gender-based pay disparity; SDG–5; Remedial measures
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