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The gender gap in the tourism academy: statistics and indicators of gender equality: while waiting for the dawn
This paper aims to examine the knowledge production on tourism gender research in Latin America and to reflect on the main challenges faced by this subfield.Design/methodology/approachThe study conducts a bibliometric analysis of the journal articles on tourism gender research in the largest scientific databases in Latin America: Redalyc, Scielo and Latindex. The paper examines variables such as year of publication, journal, authors, affiliation, types of articles, research topics, methodologies and geographical location of fieldwork.FindingsThe study identified 153 gender aware papers from 70 journals for the period 2001-2015. The leading countries in the subfield are Brazil, Mexico and Argentina. The majority of papers are empirical and have a local scope. The main theoretical approaches derive from sociological and anthropological perspectives with a predominance of qualitative methodologies. There is a need to strengthen the theoretical and epistemological frameworks and increase international collaboration for knowledge exchange among tourism gender scholars.Research limitations/implicationsThe bibliometric analysis was limited to indexed journals with online access. It focused on academic articles and excluded research notes, book reviews and conference proceedings.Originality/valueAs the main working languages of scientific production in Latin America are Spanish and Portuguese, this is the first attempt to make tourism gender research from this region visible for the predominantly Anglophone tourism academy, with the intention of identifying common challenges.
Tourism Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 1, 2019
Keywords: Gender; Tourism; Bibliometric analysis; Latin America; Research; Knowledge production
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