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Purpose Although the percentage of female entrepreneurs has increased over the past several years, it is far below the level of males. Drawing on the theory of planned behaviour and role congruity theory, the purpose of this paper is to specify a model in which the relationship between gender and entrepreneurial intention EI is mediated by three essential motivational constructs i.e. attitude toward starting a business, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control PBC.Designmethodologyapproach The study specifies and tests a metaanalytical structural equation model. The study aggregates the results of 30 studies n52,367.Findings The study reveals a higher average EI for men compared to women. However, although significant, the gender differences in EI and the motivational constructs were small and cannot sufficiently explain the substantial differences in actually starting a business. Furthermore, moderator analyses show differences in the genderEI relationship between Europe and the US and between students and nonstudents.Research limitationsimplications Differences between men and women seem to be a consequence of differences in turning intentions into implementation. Researchers are called upon to investigate gender differences in hindrances as a potential explanation for different implementations and when and why women give up their entrepreneurial plans. Moreover, future research should investigate further motivational processes beyond those suggested by the theory of planned behavior.Originalityvalue The study analyses the relationship between gender and EI and the results show a weak relationship which indicates that the higher number of male entrepreneurs cannot solely be explained by differences in motivation.
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 20, 2013
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