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This study aims to investigate the influence of green human resource management (GHRM) practices on healthcare organization sustainability performance in Pakistan. It explores how perceived organizational support (POS) mediates the relationship between GHRM practices and healthcare organizational sustainability.Design/methodology/approachIn the quantitative method, a questionnaire was used to acquire the perception of individuals via a simple random method. A total of 320 questionnaires were collected from the employees in the healthcare organizations of Pakistan, with a 47.70% response rate. Hypotheses were tested using SmartPLS (PLS-SEM).FindingsThe results reveal a positive relationship between GHRM practices and healthcare organization sustainability performance. POS partially mediated the relationship, strengthening the effectiveness of GHRM practices in boosting organizational sustainability.Originality/valueThe present study contributes to the understanding of GHRM practices in the healthcare industry, particularly in the context of emerging nations like Pakistan. It demonstrates a novel mediation role of POS to bolster the effectiveness of GHRM practices for gaining sustainability performance. The research proposes significant insight for both scholars and practitioners on how supportive corporate cultures affect the GHRM initiatives that foster economic, environmental and social sustainability.
Employee Relations: An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 2, 2024
Keywords: GHRM practices; Healthcare organizations; Perceived organizational support; Sustainability performance
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