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PurposeThis study aims to explore how the flow of moral responsibility in supply chains can be understood through an analysis of material, monetary and information flows.Design/methodology/approachSocial responsibility, foliated networks and morality are used to present a conceptual framework that suggests responsibility links in supply chains.FindingsBy understanding the flows of material, money and information, it is possible to see how different types (liable and political) of responsibility can be identified. Conventional supply chain flows are thus connected with moral responsibility.Research limitations/implicationsResponsibility issues in supply chain management need to include supply chain links created by monetary and information flows, as well as material flows.Practical implicationsSupply chain actors need to consider responsibility across their entire supply chain, which includes material, monetary and information flows.Originality/valueFoliated transportation networks, moral disengagement and different types of responsibility are combined in a novel way to facilitate a better understanding of responsibility in supply chains.
European Business Review – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 8, 2017
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