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Floods Damage Oil Refineries

Floods Damage Oil Refineries Flood s Damage Oil Refineries The photograph shows the pipe- track filled with flood water alongside the water treatment unit at the new Coryton refinery of the Vacuum Oil Company Ltd. TH E floods at the beginning of this month are the equipment, particularly motors and pumps, known to have caused damage to refineries of many of which will be repairable on the site, although several Oil Companies along the East Coast, and a certain amount of equipment will have to be lifted although full details are not available at the time of for inspection and treatment elsewhere. Of 100 going to press, the story of the first few hours of the empty tanks, it is thought that only two were lifted floods at the Coryton refinery of the Vacuum Oil by the water, and those containing crude oil and Company is known. finished products are believed to be soundly on their bases. This refinery is situated on the North bank of the Thames, opposite Canvey Island, and the site was protected by a sea-wall constructed in the 17th WATFORD CHEMICAL CO. LTD., Century, which has never been known to have been PUBLISH NEW HOUSE JOURNAL. breached since that time. In the early hours of The new house journal of the Watford Chemical February 1st, however, when the tide was seven feet Co. Ltd., and their associate company, The Spicer above normal, the first breach of the Shellhaven Food Co. Ltd., has recently been published and is Creek defences occurred, and the refinery area was named "The Molecule". It includes articles and flooded to an average depth of three feet, while in notes of interest varying from matters of research and certain places the flood water was as deep as twelve development of new chemicals to matters of general feet. interest, such as those dealing with opera stars and The refinery had actually commenced production tropical fish. Copies are available on application to of finished products for the first time on the afternoon the company at Copperfield Road, London, E.3. of January 31st, a few hours before the floods, and the night shift had only fifteen minutes in which to DIE LUBRICANT DATA FILE. shut down the newly-commissioned plant. They succeeded in doing this, however, without loss or We have received a Data File for use in connection spilling of petrol, which could have constituted a with Die Slick and Plunger Slick Die Lubricants serious fire hazard. from their Agents W. J. Hooker Ltd., 4 Midland Crescent, Finchley Road, London, N.W.I. These The Company's staff and employees of contractors products are manufactured by G. W. Smith & Sons, were called out from neighbouring districts by loud­ Inc., 5400 Kemp Road, Dayton 3, Ohio. This is of speaker throughout the day, and work quickly com­ menced on closing the breaches with sandbags and value to all users of die lubricants, particularly to other materials collected for the purpose. those who experience trouble with conventional lubricants for die casting. Evacuation of the civilians from the Company's housing estate at Coryton was successfully carried out, and it is thought that there were no casualties. I.PET . ANNUAL DINNER. First estimations of the damage are that it was confined cheifly to electrical equipment and install­ The Institute of Petroleum Annual Dinner will be ations and construction supplies. No buildings, held at Grosvenor House, London, on Wednesday, foundations or the structure of any of the units February 25th. The Guest of Honour and Principal appear to have suffered serious damage, and it seems Speakers will be Arthur Deakin, C.H., C.B.E. and tha t the chief problem will be one of inspection of all F . J. Erroll, M.A., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.P. Scientific LUBRICATION February, 1953 Industrial Lubrication and Tribology Emerald Publishing

Floods Damage Oil Refineries

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology , Volume 5 (2): 1 – Feb 1, 1953

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Flood s Damage Oil Refineries The photograph shows the pipe- track filled with flood water alongside the water treatment unit at the new Coryton refinery of the Vacuum Oil Company Ltd. TH E floods at the beginning of this month are the equipment, particularly motors and pumps, known to have caused damage to refineries of many of which will be repairable on the site, although several Oil Companies along the East Coast, and a certain amount of equipment will have to be lifted although full details are not available at the time of for inspection and treatment elsewhere. Of 100 going to press, the story of the first few hours of the empty tanks, it is thought that only two were lifted floods at the Coryton refinery of the Vacuum Oil by the water, and those containing crude oil and Company is known. finished products are believed to be soundly on their bases. This refinery is situated on the North bank of the Thames, opposite Canvey Island, and the site was protected by a sea-wall constructed in the 17th WATFORD CHEMICAL CO. LTD., Century, which has never been known to have been PUBLISH NEW HOUSE JOURNAL. breached since that time. In the early hours of The new house journal of the Watford Chemical February 1st, however, when the tide was seven feet Co. Ltd., and their associate company, The Spicer above normal, the first breach of the Shellhaven Food Co. Ltd., has recently been published and is Creek defences occurred, and the refinery area was named "The Molecule". It includes articles and flooded to an average depth of three feet, while in notes of interest varying from matters of research and certain places the flood water was as deep as twelve development of new chemicals to matters of general feet. interest, such as those dealing with opera stars and The refinery had actually commenced production tropical fish. Copies are available on application to of finished products for the first time on the afternoon the company at Copperfield Road, London, E.3. of January 31st, a few hours before the floods, and the night shift had only fifteen minutes in which to DIE LUBRICANT DATA FILE. shut down the newly-commissioned plant. They succeeded in doing this, however, without loss or We have received a Data File for use in connection spilling of petrol, which could have constituted a with Die Slick and Plunger Slick Die Lubricants serious fire hazard. from their Agents W. J. Hooker Ltd., 4 Midland Crescent, Finchley Road, London, N.W.I. These The Company's staff and employees of contractors products are manufactured by G. W. Smith & Sons, were called out from neighbouring districts by loud­ Inc., 5400 Kemp Road, Dayton 3, Ohio. This is of speaker throughout the day, and work quickly com­ menced on closing the breaches with sandbags and value to all users of die lubricants, particularly to other materials collected for the purpose. those who experience trouble with conventional lubricants for die casting. Evacuation of the civilians from the Company's housing estate at Coryton was successfully carried out, and it is thought that there were no casualties. I.PET . ANNUAL DINNER. First estimations of the damage are that it was confined cheifly to electrical equipment and install­ The Institute of Petroleum Annual Dinner will be ations and construction supplies. No buildings, held at Grosvenor House, London, on Wednesday, foundations or the structure of any of the units February 25th. The Guest of Honour and Principal appear to have suffered serious damage, and it seems Speakers will be Arthur Deakin, C.H., C.B.E. and tha t the chief problem will be one of inspection of all F . J. Erroll, M.A., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.P. Scientific LUBRICATION February, 1953


Industrial Lubrication and TribologyEmerald Publishing

Published: Feb 1, 1953

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