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The purpose of this paper is to find out what are the factors responsible for making urban young consumers loyal to a particular brand.Design/methodology/approachThe researcher used the convenience sampling method, and 206 respondents provided their responses from Kolkata. The study used exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis with the help of AMOS software to find out the result, and the responses were collected from young urban customers only.FindingsThe study reveals that service quality is the most influencing factor, and it has a significant and positive effect on satisfaction. The result also reveals that satisfaction does have a direct impact on brand loyalty.Originality/valueThe study has been conducted in Kolkata, and the perception has been gathered from the young consumers only. In this domain, so far, no studies have been conducted in West Bengal or in India. This study provides a glimpse of the behavior of young urban consumers on brand loyalty.
Journal of Management Development – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 16, 2019
Keywords: Satisfaction; Brand loyalty
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