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The purpose of this study was to understand factors affecting market mavens' use of social media for fashion-related information provision. The study examined market mavens' motivations to share fashion-related information. Specifically, this study investigates the impact of their motivations (i.e. pleasure from helping, a sense of obligation) and technology acceptance model variables (i.e. beliefs about and attitude toward using social media) on intention to use social media for sharing fashion-related information.Design/methodology/approachAn online survey yielded 862 responses from US female respondents. A subset (N = 307) representing those high in market mavenism was used for the study. Structural equation modeling was employed for the analysis.FindingsThe results confirmed that market mavens were driven by pleasure from helping and a sense of obligation to share fashion-related information. These motivations and attitude toward using social media to disseminate fashion-related information positively influenced market mavens' intention to use it to disseminate fashion-related information. Furthermore, belief variables (i.e. perceived usefulness, ease of use and enjoyment associated with social media) indirectly impacted this intention.Originality/valueThe study adds to the scant research examining market mavens' motivations for sharing fashion-related information with others and their intention to use social media. It provides valuable insights for fashion retailers looking to enhance the impact of social media marketing through the deployment of market mavens – very knowledgeable, motivated and trusted consumers.
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 21, 2024
Keywords: Market maven; Technology acceptance model; Social media; Motivations; Fashion
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