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Purpose – In any distributed application, the communication between the distributed processes/nodes of the distributed systems is essential for both reliability and efficiency matters. The purpose of this paper is to address this issue for distributed applications based on JXTA protocols aiming at extending and evaluating the protocols of the JXTA library for reliable P2P computing. Design/methodology/approach – After a careful examination of the current version of JXTA protocols, the need was observed for improving the original JXTA protocols such as pipe services to ensure reliable communication between nodes of the grid platform and the discovery and presence service to increase the performance of the applications. Using a mixed P2P network based on broker peers and client peers architecture, which served as a basis to extend the JXTA protocols, was the basis of the approach. Findings – The original JXTA protocols are extented/re‐implemented to support the development of reliable P2P distributed applications. Practical implications – The proposed approach has been validated in practice by deploying a P2P network using nodes of PlanetLab platform and testing each of the re‐implemented protocols using this real P2P network. The extended JXTA protocols can be used to develop reliable P2P distributed applications. Originality/value – Is of value by showing how to improve both efficiency reliability of JXTA protocols and services.
International Journal of Web Information Systems – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 4, 2008
Keywords: Computer networks; Wide area networks; Protocols; Standards; Communication
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