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In this study the Core4 model is proposed as a new model of leader behaviour.Design/methodology/approachTwo independent samples were used to test the construct validity of this model in comparison to a seven-factor transformational/transactional leadership model. Next, convergent and discriminant validity of the Core4 model were examined. The Core4 Leadership Questionnaire was also tested for multigroup invariance. Predictive validity of the Core4 model was compared to that of a transformational/transactional model.FindingsResults showed that the Core4 model better fitted the data than the transformational/transactional model. A seven-factor transformational/transactional model could not be established. The findings supported convergent and discriminant validity. The Core4 Leadership Questionnaire was not completely invariant across manufacturing and service organisations, but seems appropriate for application in different environments. The Core4 model was more strongly related to the criterion variables than a four-factor transformational/transactional leadership model.Originality/valueThis research shows that the Core4 model offers a valid alternative for the transformational/transactional model of leader behaviour.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 7, 2022
Keywords: Core4 model; Leadership; Leader behaviour; Construct validity; Predictive validity
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