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Digital organisational culture is essential for organisations in the digital era. However, examination of the role of digital organisational culture in government institutions remains limited. Thus, this study aims to investigate the influence of digital organisational culture on employee performance by considering empowering leadership as a predictor.Design/methodology/approachThis study analyses the research framework on the basis of a survey of 76 employees at the Indonesian Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform. The framework relating to the influence of digital organizational culture is tested using a mix of partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and an examination of the essential circumstances (necessary condition analysis/ NCA).FindingsThe findings indicate that empowering leadership is a sufficient condition for digital organisational culture. Empowering leadership positively and significantly affects digital organisational culture. Digital organisational culture positively and significantly affects employee performance. Empowering leadership represents a necessary condition for digital organisational culture. A digital organisational culture is necessary and sufficient for government employee performance.Practical implicationsResults of this study practically suggest that digital organisational culture can be considered vital to a strategy for improving government employee performance. Empowering leadership is a key success factor in improving digital organisational culture. This study initiated the identification of the role of digital organisational culture in the government institution context.Originality/valueMethodologically, this study stated a paradigm that combines the PLS-SEM and NCA approaches in public administration research by identifying the influence on sufficient and necessary digital organisational culture government employee performance.
Leadership & Organization Development Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 6, 2022
Keywords: Digital organisational culture; Empowering leadership; Employee performance; Government institution
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