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The purpose of this study is to discuss how organizations can drive organizational performance through human capital (HC) investment through systematic thinking.Design/methodology/approachThis study analyzes three companies from various industries, adopts systems thinking and uses three leading indicators from the balanced scorecard framework to explore the effects of strategic orientations for HC on innovation ecosystems and organizational performance.FindingsIn terms of academic contributions, this study broadly verifies the innovation ecosystem model for organizations and reveals that customer-oriented, internal process-oriented and innovation learning-oriented HC strategies reinforce the pathways in organizational innovation ecosystems, thereby enriching the literature on innovation ecosystems.Practical implicationsIn terms of practical contributions, this study provides a novel HC-based perspective on developmental dynamics and details the relationships among each aspect of the innovation ecosystem and HC strategies.Originality/valueThe proposed architecture and strategic frameworks provide a reference for corporations to implement strategic orientations of HC, drive operations in organizational innovation ecosystems and improve organizational performance.
Measuring Business Excellence – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 23, 2024
Keywords: Human capital; Innovation ecosystems; Balanced scorecard
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