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L’emploi accompagné: retrouvez la brochure de présentation |
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The employment rate of autistic people is low, and they are often employed in low-paying jobs or in jobs involving tasks that fall short of their skills and competence. To address this situation, the individual placement and support method (IPS) offers promising perspectives for personalized and long-term support measures. This evidence-based method has produced positive results in several countries. IPS has been used in France only since 2016. This paper aims to examine the experience of autistic people in France who have benefitted from supported employment measures.Design/methodology/approachNineteen autistic adults in France took part in semistructured interviews. Interview questions focused on work and measures to support employment. The authors analysed the interviews using reflexive thematic analysis, within the paradigm of critical realism. The authors adopted a participatory approach; the project was led by an autistic researcher and autistic individuals were included at all stages.FindingsThis study identified six primary themes and three subthemes across the data: (1) The uphill battle to obtain adjustments in the workplace; (2) insufficient knowledge of autism; (2.1) explaining again and again: the educative burden; (3) the challenge of making oneself heard; (3.1) when the entourage steps in; (4) support measures as material assistance and reassurance; (4.1) between benevolence and condescension; (5) organizational factors that affect the quality of support; and (6) personal and professional life are closely intertwined.Originality/valueThis research provides a better understanding of how autistic people experience supported employment in France and highlights ways to improve it. Job coaches play a crucial role in offering practical help and reassurance, and their efforts to nurture an active personal life are perceived positively. However, supported employment also carries the risk of limiting autistic individuals' capacity for action and causing several difficulties if job coaches are not well-informed about autism, do not reflect on their own attitudes, do not assist in obtaining necessary accommodations and if there are organizational problems leading to a lack of resources.
Advances in Autism – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 20, 2024
Keywords: Employment; Autism; Adults
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