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Muslims are obliged to make a contribution to the less fortunate through zakat, which is one of the means of wealth distribution. However, very few studies have investigated the behavioural intention of users toward social media networks that use creative animation for zakat online campaigns to promote zakat awareness in developing nations. The rich content of zakat in social media networks using creative animation could attract today’s youth to engage with zakat. This research aims to examine the factors that influence youths’ intention to use social media networks for understanding zakat online campaigns that use creative animation.Design/methodology/approachData were analysed via Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS) version 18 to test the covariance-based structural equation modelling technique.FindingsThe results reveal that social influence has the greatest significant impact on youths’ intention to use social media networks for understanding zakat online campaigns that use creative animation. Officers in zakat institutions are supportive of the use of zakat campaigns that use creative animation on social media networks to enhance zakat understanding of the youth. Besides, individuals who are important to them would recommend accepting zakat online campaigns that use creative animation on social media networks to enhance their zakat understanding.Practical implicationsThe social media networks of the zakat institutions should be designed with more creative, interactive and animated content to improve the quality of communication about the importance and benefits of contributing zakat. The content creator should use an inspiring emotional marketing strategy in their social media postings, interactive infographics and interactive videos because informational posts and emotionally positive content travel quicker than any other sort of content on social media through social sharing.Originality/valueThis study is unique and is noticeable as very few studies have investigated youths’ behavioural intention after viewing zakat online campaigns with creative animation on social media networks in a developing nation to promote zakat awareness. This platform has great potential to increase the engagement of working youth as zakat payers.
Journal of Islamic Marketing – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 7, 2023
Keywords: Zakat; Performance expectancy; Effort expectancy; Social influence; Behavioural intention; UTAUT
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