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The authors intended to find out what motivates employees at the workplace. For this purpose, the authors examined family motivation and intrinsic motivation influences over work attitudes such as organizational citizenship behavior (individual) and affective commitment.Design/methodology/approachIn the current research, the authors adopted time-lagged approach to collect a total of 352 responses from managers in the hospitality sector. This approach was adopted to avoid common method issues related to survey research.FindingsThe findings suggest positive association of family motivation with intrinsic motivation, affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (individual). The authors also found intrinsic motivation positively related to affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (individual). The findings also found statistical support pertaining to the mediating role of intrinsic motivation on family motivation's positive relationship with affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (individual).Practical implicationsConsidering important role of family motivation, the authors ask managers to think through ways that could help employees feel better about their family's wellbeing. The authors also suggest organizations upsurge intrinsic motivation of their employees by engaging them in decision-making process, allow employees to craft their jobs because through these a higher level of organizational citizenship behavior for individuals and affective commitment could be generated.Originality/valueThe authors extend the core assumption of self-determination theory that work motivation (intrinsic in specific) is autonomously determined, deeply rooted within individuals, and gratifying. It works on the pleasure principle and mirrors a hedonic standpoint. In such a situation, employees work merely based on their interest and joy; they focus and enjoy the process.
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 8, 2024
Keywords: Family motivation; Organizational citizenship behavior individual; Affective commitment; Intrinsic motivation; Self-determination theory
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