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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to reveal the influence of social media in the development of brand sacralization in young consumers in emerging Asian market. Brand sacralization is the phenomenon where consumers (especially young) become an adherent of brands and consider brands as sacred entities. The paper specifically explores the influence of social media interaction and social media usability on brand sacralization and consequently its influence on online purchase intention (PI) and brand loyalty.Design/methodology/approachPerceptual responses were gathered from 232 undergraduate and postgraduate students (age: 17-27 years) studying in an Indian private university and is subsequently analyzed using structural equation modeling. The young population is chosen as the target sample as they possess majority stake in final product purchase decision nowadays and also contribute as a dominant consumer category in online market places.FindingsThe researcher found a strong positive influence of social media interaction and social media usability on brand sacralization. Further, brand sacralization is found to have a positive and significant influence on online PI and brand loyalty of young consumers. However, social media interaction does not contribute significantly to usability of social media. The researcher has also found a significant influence of brand loyalty on online PI for these young shoppers.Originality/valueThe study is the foremost to investigate the influence of social media in developing brand sacralization and its influence on online PI and brand loyalty. Further the study is the first to develop a measurement instrument for brand sacralization. The study is the foremost in developing measures for social media interaction and social media usability.
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 17, 2016
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