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Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/pad.203 GOVERNMENT–NONPROFIT PARTNERSHIP: A DEFINING FRAMEWORK
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In recent years, third sector–school partnerships have become more common and received increasing research attention. Yet, the ethical aspects of third sector–school partnerships have not been discussed in-depth. As a result, the field lacks a conceptual framework that makes possible in-depth understanding of the ethical characteristics involved in partnerships between public schools and the third sector. The purpose of this paper is to fill this lacuna.Design/methodology/approachAn integrative review of the general literature on stakeholder theory, corporate social responsibility, cross-sector partnerships (CSP) and strategic alliances, as well as of empirical studies on partnerships between schools and the third sector, offers insights on ethical conduct in these partnerships and their antecedents.FindingsBased on the general literature on CSP and the educational literature on third sector–school partnerships, the authors offer a conceptual model and propositions about ethical conduct in these partnerships and its antecedents.Originality/valueThe innovative conceptual model makes possible a re-evaluation of existing knowledge on third sector–school partnerships, and can support direct research of ethical aspects in these partnerships. In addition, the model provides conceptual language for administrators for managing practical ethical dilemmas in these partnerships.
Journal of Educational Administration – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 26, 2019
Keywords: Ethics; Schools; NGOs; Third sector; Cross-sector partnership
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