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Consumer green behavior is a spotlight topic in both theoretical and practical business environments. This study aims to investigate the primary drivers of green intention behaviors among Generation Z customers by integrating the Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior. Additionally, perceived environmental responsibility serves as a moderating factor.Design/methodology/approachThe study polled 283 Generation Z people who have purchased green products in Vietnam. Using the PLS_SEM model, we employ mediation and moderation analysis to investigate and evaluate the hypotheses.FindingsOur findings reveal that both environmental concern and perceived marketplace influence have direct effects on attitudes toward green products as well as indirect effect on green purchase intention. Unlike previous studies, perceived environmental responsibility behaves as a moderated factor, driving the relationship between consumers' attitudes and green purchase intentions.Practical implicationsThe outcomes of this study provide helpful implications for managers in improving green products based on the green purchase behavior of young customers.Originality/valueBy merging the Social Cognitive Theory and the Theory of Planned Behavior to analyze the antecedent variables of attitude and intention, this study contributes to the pro-environmental literature. It explains the underlying mediation processes of organisms and behavioral reactions, emphasizing the role of perceived environmental responsibility in regulating these frameworks. The results are critical in promoting green production and consumption in communities.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 26, 2024
Keywords: Consumer's attitude; Environmental concern; Green purchase intention; Perceived behavior control; Perceived environmental responsibility; Perceived marketplace influence
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