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Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programmes: A Review and Evaluation – Part 1

Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programmes: A Review and Evaluation – Part 1 Reviews literature highlighting a number of problems associated with entrepreneurship education and training programmes. The major problem relates to balance: too much of an emphasis on knowledge and not enough on competence; too much emphasis on information transfer learning methods and not enough on individual small group learning methods such as project teams, peer exchange, individual counselling and workshops. There is very little evaluation of the effectiveness of such programmes. There is a lack of evidence on how learning strategies influence the development of entrepreneurial competences and how these competences transfer into new project/venture formation. There is also a lack of comparative research to identify commonalities, and differences in terms of design and structure. Journal of European Industrial Training Emerald Publishing

Entrepreneurship Education and Training Programmes: A Review and Evaluation – Part 1

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Emerald Publishing
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Reviews literature highlighting a number of problems associated with entrepreneurship education and training programmes. The major problem relates to balance: too much of an emphasis on knowledge and not enough on competence; too much emphasis on information transfer learning methods and not enough on individual small group learning methods such as project teams, peer exchange, individual counselling and workshops. There is very little evaluation of the effectiveness of such programmes. There is a lack of evidence on how learning strategies influence the development of entrepreneurial competences and how these competences transfer into new project/venture formation. There is also a lack of comparative research to identify commonalities, and differences in terms of design and structure.


Journal of European Industrial TrainingEmerald Publishing

Published: Sep 1, 1994

Keywords: Education; Entrepreneurship; Small firms; Training

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