Employee self-leadership: Enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofits
Employee self-leadership: Enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofits
Neck, Christopher P.; Ashcraft, Robert F.; VanSandt, Craig V.
1998-03-01 00:00:00
Nonprofits often have a top-down, control oriented leadership focus, neglecting the potential of developing leadership capabilities at all levels of the organization. We expand on current nonprofit management literature by positing a comple-mentary leadership approach that focuses on employee self-leadership at all levels of the establishment, thereby enhancing personal and organizational effectiveness.
http://www.deepdyve.com/assets/images/DeepDyve-Logo-lg.pngInternational Journal of Organization Theory & BehaviorEmerald Publishinghttp://www.deepdyve.com/lp/emerald-publishing/employee-self-leadership-enhancing-the-effectiveness-of-nonprofits-FYMJ9c4ziL
Employee self-leadership: Enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofits
Nonprofits often have a top-down, control oriented leadership focus, neglecting the potential of developing leadership capabilities at all levels of the organization. We expand on current nonprofit management literature by positing a comple-mentary leadership approach that focuses on employee self-leadership at all levels of the establishment, thereby enhancing personal and organizational effectiveness.
International Journal of Organization Theory & Behavior
– Emerald Publishing
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