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The purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of creativity in the relationship between employee engagement and task performance and the moderating role of perceived workplace autonomy in the relationship between employee engagement and creativity through a moderated mediation analysis.Design/methodology/approachThe study used a quantitative research method. The sample for the study consisted of 396 employees and their clients in an Indian software development organization. Statistical analysis of the data was conducted using confirmatory factor analysis, Sobel test and Hayes' PROCESS for Model 1.FindingsFindings of the study indicated that creativity of employees partially mediate the relationship between employee engagement and their task performance and perceived workplace autonomy moderates the relationship between employee engagement and creativity.Practical implicationsManagers may use findings of the study to harness creativity of their employees by providing an autonomous workplace environment to improve their task performance so as to contribute to the bottom line of the organization.Originality/valueThe study contributes to the literature by examining the mediating effect of creativity in the relationship between employee engagement and task performance, especially in a non-Western context and the moderating role played by perceived workplace autonomy using componential and broaden-and-build theories.
South Asian Journal of Business Studies – Emerald Publishing
Published: Apr 27, 2021
Keywords: Employee engagement; Creativity; Task performance; Perceived workplace autonomy
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