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The importance of emotional intelligence (competence) in positive psychology
This study aims to provide empirical insights pertaining to the impact of trait emotional intelligence on the mental well-being of students in higher education institutions (HEIs) in India.Design/methodology/approachIn the current study, responses from a total of 252 students were randomly taken from different universities of Uttarakhand (India). The analysis was done using structural equation modelling AMOS 23.FindingsThe current study empirically established the positive impact of trait emotional intelligence (TEI) on the mental well-being of students and highlighted the relevance of TEI in curbing the psychological distress in students of HEIs.Originality/valueThis study endeavours to bridge the empirical and population gap by examining the emotional intelligence and its impact on mental well-being of the students of Indian HEIs, where studies are still scant and demand massive exploration of the perceptions of students. Strong emotional intelligence is pivotal in strengthening the mental well-being of students so that they can make appropriate decisions pertaining to their career and personal life.
Mental Health and Social Inclusion – Emerald Publishing
Published: Dec 3, 2024
Keywords: AMOS SEM; Mental well-being; Indian higher education institutions; Trait emotional intelligence
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