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Deals with the issues related to the implementation, in a manual finished goods warehouse, of an ERP information system aimed at improving warehouse internal logistics efficiency. Specifically it is observed that the mere implementation of an integrated warehouse management information system does not actually guarantee the optimization of warehouse logistics. Rather, to improve the overall systems efficiency, it is required that ERP implementation be combined with the redesign and the reorganization of warehouse logistics and processes. This means that to achieve an effective synergic effect and thus effectively increase systems efficiency, both these steps have to be undertaken concurrently, grounding the reorganization and redesign phase on the implementation fallouts )in first place higher traceability levels gained(. The whole project is then applied to a real case of a finished goods manual warehouse, with pile storage systems.
Logistics Information Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Oct 1, 1999
Keywords: Channel management; Information systems; Logistics; Warehousing
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