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Purpose – The purpose of this study is to draw on expectancy disconfirmation theory (EDT) to explore e‐service quality and the factors influencing an individual's loyalty intention towards online auctions. Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted an empirical study and data were collected from a total of 619 bidders in online auctions. A structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to assess the relationships of the research model. Findings – The findings show that e‐service quality dimensions including efficiency, privacy protection, contact, fulfillment, and responsiveness have statistically significant influences on buyer's disconfirmation. Besides, buyers' disconfirmation of online auctions is positively associated with their satisfaction, and their satisfaction is positively associated with loyalty intentions. Practical implications – The auctioneer should focus on purchase efficiency and protect the buyer's privacy. The seller should actively make contact with the buyer, fulfill order delivery, and respond to problems. Thus, the performances of auctioneer and seller are the true reassurance to buyers. Originality/value – This study, which aims to shed light on e‐service quality in online auctions, is the first study that has applied an EDT‐based model to investigate the determinants of buyer's loyalty intention in online auctions.
Managing Service Quality – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 21, 2008
Keywords: Customer services quality; Customer loyalty; Customer satisfaction; Auctions; Online operations
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