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Editorial Ian Baguley, Di Bailey, Peter Lindley and Peter Ryan Editors, The Journal of Mental Health Workforce Development It is arguable that issues surrounding workforce increased numbers of staff and the rapid enhancement of development are now the most significant challenge to skills and competencies (SCMH, 2000b). the implementation of the National Service Framework Seven years on from the launch of the NSF, the (NSF) and the NHS Plan (SCMH, 1997; 2000a; 2003; ‘landscape’ of mental health services, certainly in WAT, 2000; 2001; Payne, 2000; Department of Health, England, looks very different. For example, over 250 1999; Gournay & Birley, 1998). The National Service assertive outreach and crisis intervention teams have now Framework (Department of Health, 1999) heralded new been implemented. However, the pace of change imposed standards and a new direction for mental health services, upon services to create ‘the new community care’ has one based upon a national network of new community exacted a high price. Levels of occupational stress in services including assertive outreach, crisis resolution English mental services are higher than elsewhere in and early intervention underpinned by the needs of Europe (see Hill et al, 2006 in this edition). It is clear now service users The Journal of Mental Health Training Education and Practice Emerald Publishing

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Ian Baguley, Di Bailey, Peter Lindley and Peter Ryan Editors, The Journal of Mental Health Workforce Development It is arguable that issues surrounding workforce increased numbers of staff and the rapid enhancement of development are now the most significant challenge to skills and competencies (SCMH, 2000b). the implementation of the National Service Framework Seven years on from the launch of the NSF, the (NSF) and the NHS Plan (SCMH, 1997; 2000a; 2003; ‘landscape’ of mental health services, certainly in WAT, 2000; 2001; Payne, 2000; Department of Health, England, looks very different. For example, over 250 1999; Gournay & Birley, 1998). The National Service assertive outreach and crisis intervention teams have now Framework (Department of Health, 1999) heralded new been implemented. However, the pace of change imposed standards and a new direction for mental health services, upon services to create ‘the new community care’ has one based upon a national network of new community exacted a high price. Levels of occupational stress in services including assertive outreach, crisis resolution English mental services are higher than elsewhere in and early intervention underpinned by the needs of Europe (see Hill et al, 2006 in this edition). It is clear now service users


The Journal of Mental Health Training Education and PracticeEmerald Publishing

Published: May 1, 2006

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