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Editorial COVID-19 and food security: early responses, impact and lessons from China Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, China’s national and local governments have adopted stringent mitigation policies, including mandatory lockdowns, suspension of public transportation and travel restrictions. While those policies are proven to be successful in containing the virus spread (Tian et al., 2020), the nationwide lockdown has disrupted supply chains and logistics in the agri-food system (AFS). Concerns include a shortage of production inputs, delay of spring planting, food-market panics, labor shortages, and reduced employment and lost income for farmers. As the first country hit by COVID-19 and the first country to bring the virus under control, China is seeing reassuring signs of normalization in the food system – production of staple food crops is stable and spring planting is going smoothly. But the pandemic has now spread to much of the world. As lockdowns and social distancing measures are implemented in many other countries, critical lessons could be drawn from an assessment of China’s earlier responses. Recognizing this urgent need to conduct evidence-based research, the China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) organized a call for a special section entitled “Agriculture and Food Security under China Agricultural Economic Review Emerald Publishing

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COVID-19 and food security: early responses, impact and lessons from China Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, China’s national and local governments have adopted stringent mitigation policies, including mandatory lockdowns, suspension of public transportation and travel restrictions. While those policies are proven to be successful in containing the virus spread (Tian et al., 2020), the nationwide lockdown has disrupted supply chains and logistics in the agri-food system (AFS). Concerns include a shortage of production inputs, delay of spring planting, food-market panics, labor shortages, and reduced employment and lost income for farmers. As the first country hit by COVID-19 and the first country to bring the virus under control, China is seeing reassuring signs of normalization in the food system – production of staple food crops is stable and spring planting is going smoothly. But the pandemic has now spread to much of the world. As lockdowns and social distancing measures are implemented in many other countries, critical lessons could be drawn from an assessment of China’s earlier responses. Recognizing this urgent need to conduct evidence-based research, the China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) organized a call for a special section entitled “Agriculture and Food Security under


China Agricultural Economic ReviewEmerald Publishing

Published: Aug 20, 2020

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