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DUBLINes activity, which reduces wear o n the drive When the report was published on CAT CD450 Hit Rate for and prolongs its 25,000-hour rated life. PACS-L, Dec. 17, 1990, the Grolier disc Public Library The 1700S is compatible with all M3xx wasn't working yet. [What's PACS-L? See Workstations and IBM PC (-XT/AT) and p . 27] Recently w e conducted a hit rate study for compatible computers. Interface cards are a public library processing center. Th e ti­ available that enable the 1700S t o be in­ tles submitted consisted of 25% books, stalled o n PS/2 models 50 and u p Micro 25% videos, an d 50% music materials. PRISM Service's Export Channel Architecture systems. Up to four Using the CAT CD450 General Collection, Function Affects drives can be chained; the chain can in­ the hit rate was 76%. Searching the Music clude 1503S drives. In-house Software Cataloging Collection in addition t o the The 1700S use s the same size disc cad­ General Collection resulted in an 86% Program s dies as Hitachi drive models 3500, 3600, hit rate. and 6000 and, like those models, has audio OCLC has developed the "export" capabil­ capability, which is advantageous for the ity to provide a common interface between Al l Formats multimedia products now entering the a local system and various OCLC products General Collection market. from which members may routinely trans­ Number Percent For more information, contact your par­ fer bibliographic and authority records. of Titles ticipating network or OCLC; ask for Pub The export function converts a record to Compact discs 76 No. 2654, product code 6275. Online only 22 22 OCLC-MARC format and writes it to a disk No match 2 2 file or directs it t o a communications port. Total 100 Export is intended to replace the meth­ od s of downloading used with the first Perils of Pioneering All Formats OCLC Online System, such as "screen Pioneer recently introduced the DRM-600 (Combination of the General Collection dumps" or SaveScreen files. Therefore, if CD-ROM drive. This drive uses a single and the Music Cataloging Collection) you currently maintain an in-house soft­ laser to read u p to six discs held in a maga­ Number Percent ware procedure (e.g., using WordPerfect zine. A change mechanism selects the ap ­ of Titles or dBASE) that depends on records trans­ Compact discs 86 propriate disc t o place in the read ferred from the OCLC Online System, your Online only 12 12 mechanism. Operation is similar t o a mul­ program will need to b e modified to ac­ No match 2 2 tiple CD audi o player. OCLC ha s tested this cept th e export format. Total 99 100 unit and noticed that extensive, time- Be aware that existing programs built If you have any questions about these consuming disc swapping is required for on "screen dump " or SaveScreen files will figures, or if you would like t o see the ti­ the drive to read multiple-volume NOT work with PRISM screen displays. tles, please call David Whitehair at OCLC. databases such as CAT CD450 Recent New bibliographic and authority record Books, Older Books/Nonbooks, or Music displays are not laid out in the same way Cataloging Collections or the CAT CD450 as those in the first system. Record dis­ Ultrafast CD Drive Now LC Name Authorities Collection. While the plays may not contain such "landmarks" as CAT CD450 collections d o work with the line numbers or start-of-message and end- Available Pioneer DRM-600, performance is notice­ of-field marks, depending on the product The Hitachi 1700S drive, introduced at the ably degraded. Based on this testing, w e or service being used. Also, spacing d o not recommend use of this drive for Boston CD-ROM EXPO in October 1990, is between elements of the display may vary. CAT CD450 discs at this time. W e will con­ now available from OCLC an d participat­ When you are using PASSPORT Soft­ tinue to test performance of this drive as ing networks. The drive operates at an av­ ware with the first OCLC Online System more information becomes available. erage seek time of 340 milliseconds, however, your in-house programs should making it th e fastest drive on the market. Meanwhile, at least one library (Univ. work just as they do with Terminal Soft­ This single-disc drive replaces the of California-Santa Cruz) reported difficul­ ware version 5.0. Hitachi model 1503s, which operated at ties using the Pioneer drive with a mixed OCLC has been distributing export in­ 800 milliseconds an d has been discon­ selection of discs: Groliers New Electronic formation since 1988. For more informa­ tinued. The new drive features an auto­ Encyclopedia, Oxford English Dictionary tion about the export format, as well as matic optical lens cleaning mechanism, a (1st ed), PC-SIG's Science Helper, sample files of exported bibliographic and sealed dust-free chassis, a dust-proof twin Microsoft Bookshelf, the Search CD450 authority records, please contact Deb door disc insertion mechanism, and an au­ Music Catalog, an d the Chicano Periodicals Lewis at OCLC, Mail Code 138. tomatic "sleep" mod e after 9 minutes of in­ Index. Bookshelf works with the six-disc changer only whe n it is in the first bay. 6 OCLC Micro Vol. 7, No. 1 February 1991 OCLC Micro Emerald Publishing


OCLC Micro , Volume 7 (1): 1 – Jan 1, 1991

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activity, which reduces wear o n the drive When the report was published on CAT CD450 Hit Rate for and prolongs its 25,000-hour rated life. PACS-L, Dec. 17, 1990, the Grolier disc Public Library The 1700S is compatible with all M3xx wasn't working yet. [What's PACS-L? See Workstations and IBM PC (-XT/AT) and p . 27] Recently w e conducted a hit rate study for compatible computers. Interface cards are a public library processing center. Th e ti­ available that enable the 1700S t o be in­ tles submitted consisted of 25% books, stalled o n PS/2 models 50 and u p Micro 25% videos, an d 50% music materials. PRISM Service's Export Channel Architecture systems. Up to four Using the CAT CD450 General Collection, Function Affects drives can be chained; the chain can in­ the hit rate was 76%. Searching the Music clude 1503S drives. In-house Software Cataloging Collection in addition t o the The 1700S use s the same size disc cad­ General Collection resulted in an 86% Program s dies as Hitachi drive models 3500, 3600, hit rate. and 6000 and, like those models, has audio OCLC has developed the "export" capabil­ capability, which is advantageous for the ity to provide a common interface between Al l Formats multimedia products now entering the a local system and various OCLC products General Collection market. from which members may routinely trans­ Number Percent For more information, contact your par­ fer bibliographic and authority records. of Titles ticipating network or OCLC; ask for Pub The export function converts a record to Compact discs 76 No. 2654, product code 6275. Online only 22 22 OCLC-MARC format and writes it to a disk No match 2 2 file or directs it t o a communications port. Total 100 Export is intended to replace the meth­ od s of downloading used with the first Perils of Pioneering All Formats OCLC Online System, such as "screen Pioneer recently introduced the DRM-600 (Combination of the General Collection dumps" or SaveScreen files. Therefore, if CD-ROM drive. This drive uses a single and the Music Cataloging Collection) you currently maintain an in-house soft­ laser to read u p to six discs held in a maga­ Number Percent ware procedure (e.g., using WordPerfect zine. A change mechanism selects the ap ­ of Titles or dBASE) that depends on records trans­ Compact discs 86 propriate disc t o place in the read ferred from the OCLC Online System, your Online only 12 12 mechanism. Operation is similar t o a mul­ program will need to b e modified to ac­ No match 2 2 tiple CD audi o player. OCLC ha s tested this cept th e export format. Total 99 100 unit and noticed that extensive, time- Be aware that existing programs built If you have any questions about these consuming disc swapping is required for on "screen dump " or SaveScreen files will figures, or if you would like t o see the ti­ the drive to read multiple-volume NOT work with PRISM screen displays. tles, please call David Whitehair at OCLC. databases such as CAT CD450 Recent New bibliographic and authority record Books, Older Books/Nonbooks, or Music displays are not laid out in the same way Cataloging Collections or the CAT CD450 as those in the first system. Record dis­ Ultrafast CD Drive Now LC Name Authorities Collection. While the plays may not contain such "landmarks" as CAT CD450 collections d o work with the line numbers or start-of-message and end- Available Pioneer DRM-600, performance is notice­ of-field marks, depending on the product The Hitachi 1700S drive, introduced at the ably degraded. Based on this testing, w e or service being used. Also, spacing d o not recommend use of this drive for Boston CD-ROM EXPO in October 1990, is between elements of the display may vary. CAT CD450 discs at this time. W e will con­ now available from OCLC an d participat­ When you are using PASSPORT Soft­ tinue to test performance of this drive as ing networks. The drive operates at an av­ ware with the first OCLC Online System more information becomes available. erage seek time of 340 milliseconds, however, your in-house programs should making it th e fastest drive on the market. Meanwhile, at least one library (Univ. work just as they do with Terminal Soft­ This single-disc drive replaces the of California-Santa Cruz) reported difficul­ ware version 5.0. Hitachi model 1503s, which operated at ties using the Pioneer drive with a mixed OCLC has been distributing export in­ 800 milliseconds an d has been discon­ selection of discs: Groliers New Electronic formation since 1988. For more informa­ tinued. The new drive features an auto­ Encyclopedia, Oxford English Dictionary tion about the export format, as well as matic optical lens cleaning mechanism, a (1st ed), PC-SIG's Science Helper, sample files of exported bibliographic and sealed dust-free chassis, a dust-proof twin Microsoft Bookshelf, the Search CD450 authority records, please contact Deb door disc insertion mechanism, and an au­ Music Catalog, an d the Chicano Periodicals Lewis at OCLC, Mail Code 138. tomatic "sleep" mod e after 9 minutes of in­ Index. Bookshelf works with the six-disc changer only whe n it is in the first bay. 6 OCLC Micro Vol. 7, No. 1 February 1991


OCLC MicroEmerald Publishing

Published: Jan 1, 1991

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