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To deal with the issue of irresponsible consumer behavior, this study aims to find out the significant determinants that direct sustainability in consumers' responsible behavior.Design/methodology/approachThe study is quantitatively designed (survey approach) and targeted 520 respondents by deploying multistage sampling technique. The collected data is statistically analyzed in SEM-path analysis technique through Smart PLS 3.FindingsThe outcomes of study indicated that awareness of wasteful consumption (ß = 0.27, p = 0.00) and wastophobia (ß = 0.73, p = 0.00) strongly influence consumers’ mind to bring sustainability in responsible behavior.Practical implicationsThis study suggests that the empirically tested wastophobia model can pave foundations in the theoretical literature to manage waste other than electricity waste, including time, food, water, agriculture, garbage, hazardous environmental pollution and natural reservoirs waste.Originality/valueThe study originates that promoting various conscious and unconscious aspects of wasteful consumption by focusing on fearful consequences of electricity waste supports to bring sustainability in consumers’ responsible behavior.
International Journal of Energy Sector Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jan 23, 2023
Keywords: Electricity crisis; Irresponsible behavior; Sustainable responsible behavior; Wasteful consumption awareness; Wastophobia; Surveys; Waste-based; Residential; Least square estimation; CO2 mitigation; Policy; Electricity; Demand-side management
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