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This study aims to understand the role of digital literacies as a moderator between employee engagement and its antecedents, namely, workplace digitalisation and innovative culture.Design/methodology/approachA total of 256 valid samples were used in the analysis. The respondents were individuals used as management-level executives in companies located in Selangor/Kuala Lumpur. The model was tested using structural equation modelling.FindingsThe findings reveal that there exists a significant association between employee engagement and its antecedents, namely, workplace digitalisation and innovative culture. Digital literacies are found to moderate the relationships between workplace digitalisation-employee engagement and innovative culture-employee engagement.Practical implicationsThis paper provides new insight to the practitioners about the role of digital literacies in raising employee engagement in the digital workplace.Originality/valueThese findings enrich the literature on employee engagement, whereby, improving employee digital literacies strengthens employee acceptance to workplace digitalisation and benefit from the innovative culture to stay engaged.
Journal of Asia Business Studies – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 8, 2021
Keywords: Employee engagement; Digital literacies; Innovative culture; Workplace digitalisation
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