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Building resilience in food supply chains is considered vital to tackle disruptions and ensure the availability of food. This study aims to empirically explore how firms operating in food supply chains can develop dynamic capabilities and use digital technologies to address disruption.Design/methodology/approachA multiple case study methodology was adopted to understand how the firms built resilience by developing dynamic capabilities. Twenty-five semi-structured interviews were conducted with four case companies to gather data across various functional areas (sourcing, operations and logistics).FindingsResults show that knowledge management is a key antecedent to developing dynamic capabilities. The development of such dynamic capabilities − sensing, seizing and transforming, along with the adoption of digital technologies enabled firms to address the disruptions and, hence, build resilience. Resilience is demonstrated in the form of maintaining or improving performance outcomes such as profit, waste reduction, food quality, lead time, efficiency and customer satisfaction.Originality/valueThis is one of the earliest empirical studies that provide insights into how firms operating in food supply chains have built resilience by developing dynamic capabilities through knowledge management practices and, which required the implementation of digital technologies. The study extends dynamic capability theory with the knowledge-based view and develops a novel framework along with a pathway to build resilience.
Supply Chain Management: An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 19, 2024
Keywords: Resilience; Dynamic capabilities; Knowledge management; Food supply chain; Artificial intelligence; Blockchain; IoT
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