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B. Yorburg, Nickie Charles, M. Kerr (1988)
Women, Food, and Families.Contemporary Sociology, 19
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Priorities for nutrition education in the secondary school.Human nutrition. Applied nutrition, 36 1
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Dietary Awareness of Children: Specific Food ItemsBritish Food Journal, 92
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Which children need vitamins?British Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.), 296
Over the past few years several reports have been publishedrecommending voluntary changes in UK diet in the interests of health.Major recommendations include a reduction in the consumption of fat,sugar and salt and an increase in consumption of fibre. A surveyconducted in ten secondary schools in Nottingham and involving 492respondents showed that adolescents between the ages of 11 and 16generally favoured a decrease in consumption of fat and sugar and anincreased consumption of fibre. However only half of the sample thoughtthat salt intake should be reduced. There were significant differencesin response based on the age and sex of the respondents. Reduction infat and sugar intakes was a particularly dominant attitude amongst oldergirls, and this may be due to their concern over appearance rather thantheir concern for health.
British Food Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 1, 1990
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