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Post-millennial youths are well equipped with internet technology and computers since birth and find it easier to operate computers and technologies than their previous generations. With the advancement of technology, the ethical dilemma associated with its use has evolved. This paper aims to develop and validate a measurement scale for the ethical orientation of post-millennial technology usage by capturing the key factors that best describe the behavior adopted by students.Design/methodology/approachA systematic scale development procedure was used, involving both reviews of the literature and focus group discussions to generate the items that specify the domain of this study. After generating items, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were applied to identify latent constructs of techno-ethical orientation. Lastly, the scale was subjected to reliability and validity testing.FindingsThe study found that the techno-ethical orientation scale has five dimensions: privacy concerns, classroom behavior, accessibility dilemma, social media usage and assignment ethics. Overall, a scale comprising 17 statements was derived.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings of our study attempt to augment the growing efforts to explore all facets of techno-ethics. It is probably the first attempt to develop a valid and reliable scale for the techno-ethical orientation of post-millennial.Practical implicationsThis scale could be used by academicians and practitioners to assess the techno-ethical orientation of post-millennial for positive interventions.Originality/valueThis study derives a new reliable and valid scale for measuring the techno-ethical orientation of post-millennial toward technology usage.
Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 29, 2024
Keywords: Ethics; India; Internet; Technology; Post-millennial; Techno-ethics; Scale development; Students
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