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Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 21
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Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35
Studies in Higher Education, 45
Education, 3
Studies in Higher Education, 45
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Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 50
A. Al-Fattal (2010)
Understanding Student Choice of University and Marketing Strategies in Syrian Private Higher Education
Psychological Bulletin, 56
Contaduría y administración, 62
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19
Business and Society, 31
Journal of Business Research, 69
The Review of Higher Education, 40
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15
Journal of Modelling in Management, 11
The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41
Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17
Cogent Business and Management, 8
Journal of Education and Human Development, 3
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 4
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 46
International Journal of Educational Management, 28
C. Avery, C.M. Hoxby (2004)
College Choices: The Economics of where to Go, when to Go, and How to Pay for it
Education Inquiry, 10
The Marketing Review, 17
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 13
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 15
Socio-Economic Review, 16
Corporate Reputation Review, 23
Teaching and Teacher Education, 60
Journal of Marketing, 51
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Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 90
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 138
JISR Management and Social Sciences and Economics, 18
European Scientific Journal, 1
V.A. Zeithaml, A. Parasuraman (2004)
Service Quality
Journal of Marketing Research, 18
Journal of Islamic Marketing, 11
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Management Review, 44
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6
International Journal of Educational Management, 33
Management Science Letters, 10
Education Inquiry, 8
Higher Education, 69
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Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 19
Quality Assurance in Education, 29
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Sustainability, 11
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Education Inquiry, 7
International Business and Economics Research Journal (IBER), 16
Heliyon, 7
European Journal of Marketing, 53
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Internet Research, 30
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Managing Brand Equity
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Higher Education, 7
Journal of Amateur Sport, 5
Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 12
A university’s brand is a key competitive advantage in higher education (HE). This study examines the university's reputation’s intermediary impact on core services (emotional environment, perceived faculty and course suitability) and brand loyalty in private universities in Iran.Design/methodology/approachA quantitative method was used to achieve research objectives. The data collected from students enrolled in major private universities in the capital of Iran were analyzed to test the proposed model, both directly and indirectly, using structural equation modeling (SEM).FindingsThe findings confirmed all of the hypothesized relationships. Prominently, the core service construct (emotional environment, perceived faculty and course suitability) was found to be significantly affecting the university brand reputation. The study found evidence for the impact of university reputation on students' loyalty. Findings also indicated the presence of several indirect relationships among the considered dimensions.Research limitations/implicationsCurrent research offers implications for universities that are met with the perpetual challenge of survival in the competitive HE marketplace. Findings from the study not only help build theory on university brand loyalty but also make an essential contribution towards guiding managers in developing effective strategies by building reputation and loyalty by concentrating on the most crucial determinants.Originality/valueAlthough research in HE marketing is growing, the effects of university core services on building loyalty have not garnered attention, which is theoretically a vital construct. The paper presents a new framework to realize university brand loyalty with the help of integrated relationships among select dimensions in the setting of an emerging HE market.
Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education – Emerald Publishing
Published: Nov 27, 2024
Keywords: University reputation; Brand loyalty; Emotional environment; Private universities; Iran
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