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This study aims to identify how perceived destination social responsibility (DSR) drives destination brand loyalty through a jointly and independently mediated mechanism of cognitive and affective components (e.g. tourist-destination identification, cognitive image, affective image and tourist satisfaction) and to examine the moderating role of individual-level collectivist values in linking perceived DSR and tourist behaviors.Design/methodology/approachAn online survey is conducted to collect the data of 351 domestic tourists visiting an urban tourism destination (e.g. Danang City) in Vietnam. A serial multiple mediation model and moderation model were examined by applying covariance-based structural equation modeling.FindingsThis research’s results highlight the leading factors of perceived DSR in the process of forming destination brand loyalty and confirm the vital role of the intermediary mechanism of tourists' cognition and affect during this process. The chain of causal relationships DSR → TDI → CI → AI → TS → DBL confirms the role of perceived DSR as an essential prerequisite factor of DBL, creating a close connection to tourists' cognition and affect and contributing to improving destination brand loyalty. Individual-level collectivist values were found to positively moderate the links between perceived DSR and tourist-destination identification, affective image and destination brand loyalty.Research limitations/implicationsFuture research would provide insights into the links between perceived DSR and tourist behaviors by considering moderating variables (e.g. cultural distance and tourist types) and uncovering specific insights into each destination stakeholder's DSR activities.Originality/valueA new integrated model of destination brand loyalty development is proposed to explore a new path for destination brand loyalty formation through cognitive, affective and cognitive-affective pathways. This moderating stream of examining individual-level collectivist values can make a significant contribution to the extant tourism literature by promoting a more positive tourist perception of DSR, thereby increasing tourists' knowledge, beliefs and emotions and enhancing destination brand loyalty.
International Journal of Tourism Cities – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 16, 2023
Keywords: Perceived destination social responsibility; Tourist-destination identification; Cognitive image; Affective image; Tourist satisfaction; Destination brand loyalty; Individual-level collectivist values; Destination brand image
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