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Reconciling the tension between consistency and relevance: DT as a mechanism for brand ambidexterityJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43
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Four kinds of DT: from ideating to making, engaging, and criticizingCreativity and Innovation Management, 29
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Sustainable Business Models Innovation and Design Thinking: A Bibliometric Analysis and Systematic Review of LiteratureSustainability
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DT for Innovation
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A brief introduction to bibliometrix
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The integration of Design Thinking and Strategic Sustainable DevelopmentJournal of Cleaner Production, 140
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Design orientationMarketing Theory, 12
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Living up to the expectations: the effect of DT on project successCreativity and Innovation Management, 29
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Sustainable business models innovation and DT: a bibliometric analysis and systematic review of literatureSustainability, 15
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Mapping of scientific production on design thinking as a tool for entrepreneurship education: a bibliometric study of a decadeWorld Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 16
A. Buhl, M. Schmidt-Keilich, V. Muster, S. Blazejewski, U. Schrader, C. Harrach, M. Schäfer, E. Süßbauer (2019)
DT for sustainability: why and how DT can foster sustainability-oriented innovation developmentJournal of Cleaner Production, 231
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To frame or reframe: where might DT research go next?california Management Review, 62
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Planning Honig (2004)
Entrepreneurship Education: Toward a Model of Contingency-Based Business
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Learning to use design thinking tools for successful innovationStrategy & Leadership, 39
Justyna Starostka, M. Evald, Ann Clarke, Per Hansen (2021)
Taxonomy of design thinking facilitationCreativity and Innovation Management
E. Noyons, H. Moed, M. Luwel (1999)
Combining Mapping and Citation Analysis for Evaluative Bibliometric Purposes: A Bibliometric StudyJ. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci., 50
T. Overmyer, E.B. Carlson (2019)
Literature review: DT and placeJournal of Business and Technical Communication, 33
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Teaching innovation: equipping students to overcome real-world challengesHigher Education Pedagogies, 1
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Applying DT for business model innovationJournal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11
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Bibliometric Methods in Management and OrganizationOrganizational Research Methods, 18
The current study gives a quantitative analysis DT literature over the past ten years in domain of management and business where the field has witnessed a proliferation in studies. The study's primary areas of concentration were analyzing historical trends and identifying prospective future research opportunities in the field. Due of the way, it approaches innovation and problem-solving, design thinking has garnered a lot of interest from both academics and practitioners. Promoters and detractors, however, tend to have quite different perspectives on the program's core qualities, practicality and results.Design/methodology/approachThe study adopts a bibliometric approach to a systematic literature review, where the analyses and visualizations are carried out using R Studio (Biblioshiny package) and VosViewer software. The study was conducted on 518 documents extracted from the Scopus database. To identify past research trends in the field, performance analysis based on productivity and/or impact of the research constituents was carried out to understand the intellectual structure of the field.FindingsThe study's findings indicated that few areas have received the most attention, which are presented as seven themes. While the emerging themes in the field include areas such as service design, service innovation, customer experience, innovation management, project management and 21st-century skills.Practical implicationsThe studies are going deeper by breaking down concepts or processes and analyzing one aspect at a time, codesign and prototyping are such subareas within the realm of service or new product design and development.Originality/valueThis study is the first of its kind where a literature review has been conducted covering design thinking in the area of business management and accounting.
Benchmarking: An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: Aug 30, 2024
Keywords: DT; Bibliometric review; Systematic literature review; Business management; Accounting
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