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G. Azzone, Bertelé (1991)
Planning and Controlling Investments in Computer Based AutomationJournal of cost management
The New New Product Development Game
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How Northern Telecom competes on time.Harvard business review, 67 4
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Time-The Next Source of Competitive Advantage
An increasing number of firms are planning to becometimebased companies, that is to consider time as the mainissue of their manufacturing strategy. However, such change in attitude,in order to be effective, must be supported by a performance measurementsystem focused on time. This article suggests a framework useful fordesigning a performance measurement system which is consistent withtimebased principles and can support managers both in strategic and inoperating decisions. The framework takes into account the different waysthrough which a company can use time to create a competitive advantageand considers the main activities that are critical for achieving suchresults. Hence, a minimum set of measures, consistent withthe information requirements of each company, is determined.
International Journal of Operations & Production Management – Emerald Publishing
Published: Mar 1, 1991
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