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PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore whether variations in factors such as start time, duration of event, and day of presentation might lead to improved attendance at performing arts events in the USA.Design/methodology/approachThe research was conducted using a quantitative strategy. The approach consisted of a survey design that explored preference data for respondents. The data were examined to look for emergent themes in both raw data and cross-tabulations. The data collection also included survey questions for conjoint analysis, a form of regression analysis that compares consumer trade-offs for various levels of different attributes.FindingsThe researchers found that while anecdotal evidence regarding performing arts attendance largely holds up, there is room to explore the possibility that modern-day consumers require events of shorter duration, and that the utility of Saturday attendance is so overwhelming that start time preference can be manipulated within the Saturday level of that attribute with minimal effect on overall utility.Originality/valueThe study begins to fill a gap in the literature regarding attendance preference for the performing arts regarding several attributes. The study opens a discussion on how to address declining attendance figures by considering some of the factors that are likely contributing to the decline.
Arts and the Market – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 8, 2018
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