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This study aims to explore an exemplar of the design and application of a systemic framework for higher education. The field of application is in the social sciences and the perspective long-term, covering three generations of faculty and many generations of students.Design/methodology/approachThis study is exploratory. It contains a conceptual component and an empirical component with a long-term case study from a European university.FindingsA cybersystemic approach to higher education has been shown, at the focal university, to be a powerful amplifier of individual and institutional capabilities, and it still has great potential. The crucial prerequisite is that the approach is virtuously designed and implemented.Originality/valueA case study ranging over 50 years is presented. The respective university has been a role model for other educational institutions for many years. Its influence in the German-speaking countries, and more recently also internationally, has become significant.
Kybernetes – Emerald Publishing
Published: Sep 19, 2019
Keywords: Design; Cybernetics; Systemic thinking; Management; Education; Systems science
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