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M. Al‐Mashari, A. Al‐Mudimigh, M. Zairi
Enterprise resource planing: a taxonomy of critical factors
R.H. Daniel
Management data crisis
M. Johnson
A study of e‐market adoption barriers in the local government sector
M. Johnson
Public sector e‐procurement: benefits from e‐markets in the local government sector
M. Attaran, S. Attaran
Collaborative supply chain management: the most promising practice for building efficient and sustainable supply chains
S. Matook
Measuring the performance of electronic marketplaces: an external goal approach study
H. Akkermans, K. van Helden
Vicious and virtuous cycles in ERP implementation: a case study of interrelations between critical success factors
A.B. Sculley, W.A. Woods
B2B Exchanges: The Killer Application in the Business‐To‐Business Internet Revolution
D.P. Slevin, J.K. Pinto
Balancing strategy and tactics in project implementation
J. Li, L. Li
On the critical success factors for B2B e‐marketplace
Y. Bakos
The emerging role of electronic marketplaces on the internet
R.D. Galliers, F.F. Land
Choosing appropriate information systems research methodologies
A.M. Croteau, P. Li
Critical success factors of CRM technological initiatives
R. Gulati, N. Nohria, A. Zaheer
Strategic networks
T. Miller, J. Niu
An assessment of strategies for choosing between competitive marketplaces
P. Evans, T. Wurster
Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms
E.J. Umble, R.R. Haft, M.M. Umble
Enterprise resource planning: implementation procedures and critical success factors
C. Soh, M.L. Markus
B2B marketplaces: interconnection effects, strategic positioning, and performance
M. Johnson
Supply‐side barriers to e‐business technology in the healthcare sector
R. Balocco, A. Perego, S. Perotti
B2b eMarketplaces: a classification framework to analyse business models and critical success factors
A. Coffey, P. Atkinson
Making Sense of Qualitative Data: Complementary Research Strategies
M. Johnson
Industrial e‐market adoption: an exploratory study of organisational change issues
N. Venkatraman, J. Prescott
Environmental strategy co‐alignment: an empirical test of its performance implications
R. Oliver
2B or not 2B
M.E. Porter
Strategy and the internet
M. Johnson
Barriers to innovation adoption: a study of e‐markets
C.S. Yu
What drives enterprises to trading via B2B e‐marketplaces?
M. Hall, R. Holt, D. Purchase
Project Sponsors under new public management: lessons from the frontline
J.R. Galbraith, D. Nathanson
The role of organizational structure and process in strategy implementation
M. Al‐Mashari, S.K. Ghani, W. Al‐Rashid
A study of the critical success factors of ERP implementation in developing countries
O. Françoise, M. Bourgault, R. Pellerin
ERP implementation through critical success factors’ management
D. Silverman
Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook
T. Doyle, J. Melanson
B2B web exchanges: easier hyped than done
A. Armstrong, J. Hagel
Real profits from virtual communities
W. Xing, S. Wang, L. Liu
Optimal ordering and pricing strategies in the presence of a B2B spot market
P. Timmers
Electronic Commerce: Strategies and Models for Business‐To‐Business Trading
P. Hadaya
Determinants of the future level of use of electronic marketplaces: the case of Canadian firms
S. Finney, M. Corbett
ERP implementation: a compilation and analysis of critical success factors
T. Strader, M. Shaw
Consumer cost differences for traditional and internet
R. Wise, D. Morrison
Beyond the exchange: the future of B2B
P. Ratnasingam
The influence of power on trading partner trust in electronic commerce
J. Ganesh, T.R. Madanmohan, P.D. Jose, S. Seshadri
Adaptive strategies of firms in high velocity environments: the case of B2B electronic marketplaces
K. Vaidya, A.S.M. Sajeev, G. Callender
Critical factors that influence e‐procurement implementation success in the public sector
T. Teo, J. Ang
Critical success factors in the alignment of IS plans with business plans
G. Ramsdell
The real business of B2B
T. Ringberg, S.F. Gupta
The importance of understanding the symbolic world of customers in asymmetric business to business relationships
P. Ratnasingam
A risk‐control framework for e‐marketplace participation: the findings of seven cases
N. Venkatraman, V. Ramanujam
Measurement of business performance in strategy research: a comparison of approaches
R.E. Miles, C.C. Snow
Fit, Failure and the Hall of Fame: How Companies Succeed or Fail
S. Wang, J.‐Y. Mao, N. Archer
On the performance of B2B e‐markets: an analysis of organizational capabilities and market opportunities
A. Ordanini
What drives market transactions in B2B exchanges?
D. Power
Determinants of business‐to‐business e‐commerce implementation and performance: a structural model
A.M. Fairchild, P.M.A. Ribbers, A.O. Nooteboom
A success factor model for electronic markets: defining outcomes based on stakeholder context and business process
T.V. Bonoma
Case research in marketing: opportunities, problems, and a process
M. Bensaou, N. Venkatraman
Inter‐organizational relationships and information technology: a conceptual synthesis and a research framework
M.L. Markus, E. Christiaanse, J. Damsgaard, K. Lyytinnen
The adoption and impacts of B2B marketplaces: transaction versus collaboration marketplaces
S.M. Lee, S.‐B. Lim, D.R. Soriano
Suppliers’ participation in a single buyer electronic market
S. Cuganesan, R. Lee
Intra‐organisational influences in procurement networks controls: the impacts of information technology
A.C. Boynton, R.W. Zmud
An assessment of critical success factors
M.H.B. Soong, C.H. Chan, B.C. Chua, K.F. Loh
Critical success factor for online resources
J.P. Bailey, Y. Bakos
An exploratory study of the emerging role of electronic intermediaries
W.K. Chong, W. Shafaghi, C. Woollaston, V. Lui
B2B e‐marketplace: an e‐marketing framework for B2B commerce
A. Ordanini, S. Micelli, E. Di Maria
Failure and success of B‐to‐B exchange business models: a contingent analysis of their performance
R. Eid, M. Trueman, A.M. Ahmed
A cross‐industry review of B2B critical success factors
W.D. Raisch
The E‐Marketplace: Strategies for Success in B2B E‐Commerce
L. Sehwail, R.G. Ingalls
Critical success factors for e‐procurement marketplace
M. Sawhney, D. Parikh
Where value lies in a networked world
D.E. Gengatharen, C. Standing
A framework to assess the factors affecting success or failure of the implementation of government‐supported regional e‐marketplaces for SMEs
A.J. Cullen, M. Webster
A model of B2B e‐commerce, based on connectivity and purpose
T.K. Fong, N.C. Chin, F. Danielle, P.M.C. Swatman
Success and failure factors for implementing effective agricultural electronic markets
V. Saprikis
Suppliers’ behavior on the post‐adoption stage of business‐to‐business e‐reverse auctions: an empirical study
R. McIvor, P. Humphreys
The implications of electronic B2B intermediaries for the buyer‐supplier interface
E. Gummesson
All research is interpretive
P. Dittrick
Electronic exchange to narrow to a few per industry and fast
M.J. Cunningham
B2B: How to Build a Profitable E‐Commerce Strategy
T. Smaczny
Is an alignment between business and information technology the appropriate paradigm to manage IT in today's organisations?
K. Hong, Y. Kim
The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organization fit perspective
Y.‐B. Joo, Y.‐G. Kim
Determinants of corporate adoption of e‐Marketplace: an innovation theory perspective
C. Robson
Real World Research: A Resource for Social Scientist and Practitioner‐Researchers
M.L. Huotari, T.D. Wilson
Determining organisational information needs: the critical success factors approach
H.‐F. Lin, S.‐M. Lin
Determinants of e‐business diffusion: a test of the technology diffusion perspective
C. Zott, R. Amit, J. Donlevy
Strategies for value creation in e‐commerce: best practice in Europe
M. Johnson
Supply chain benefits from consortia e‐marketplaces: a case study of AeroDefence
K.J. Petersen, J.A. Ogden, P.L. Carter
B2B E‐marketplaces: a typology by functionality
F. Bergeron, C. Begin
The use of critical success factors in evaluation of information systems: a case study
C.P. Holland, B. Light
A critical success model for ERP implementation
S.M. Lee, S.B. Lim
Factors influencing suppliers’ participation in private electronic markets
D. Truong, T. Jitpaiboon
How it purchasing preparedness facilitates e‐marketplace usage
R. Angeles, R. Nath
Business‐to‐business e‐procurement: success factors and challenges to implementation
A.M. Fairchild, R.R. Peterson
Business‐to‐business value drivers and ebusiness infrastructure in financial services: collaborative commerce across global markets and networks
S. Shang, P.B. Seddon
Assessing and managing the benefits of enterprise systems: the business manager's perspective
J.K. Leidecker, A.V. Bruno
Identifying and using critical success factors
A.J. Cullen, M. Taylor
Critical success factors for B2B e‐commerce use within the UK NHS pharmaceutical supply chain
M. Calder
Going for critical mass
J. Rockart
Chief executives define their own data needs
J.M. De Figueiredo
Finding sustainable profitability in electronic commerce
G.S. Day, A.J. Fein, G. Ruppersberger
Shakeouts in digital markets: lessons from B2B exchanges
T.W. Malone, J. Yates, R.I. Benjamin
Electronic markets and electronic hierarchies
A. Ordanini, A. Pol
Infomediation and competitive advantage in B2B digital marketplaces
M. Johnson, S. King, M. Carter
Critical success factors for e‐marketplaces
A.N. Oppenheim
Questionnaire Design, Interviewing and Attitude Measurement
Y.H. Tao, C.P. Chen, C.R. Chang
Unmet adoption expectation as the key to e‐marketplace failure: a case of Taiwan's steel industry
E. Bakker, J. Zheng, L. Knight, C. Harland
Putting e‐commerce adoption in a supply chain context
V. Agrawal, L. Arjona, R. Lemmens
E‐performance: the path to rational exuberance
R.K. Yin
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
S.‐H. Chien, Y.‐H. Chen, C.‐Y. Hsu
Exploring the impact of trust and relational embeddedness in e‐marketplaces: an empirical study in Taiwan
A. Lancastre, L.F. Lages
The relationship between buyer and a B2B e‐marketplace: cooperation determinants in an electronic market context
N. Venkatraman
A concept of fit in strategy research: toward verbal and statistical correspondence
P. Veen‐Dirks, M. Wijn
Strategic control: meshing critical success factors with the balance scorecard
X.‐H. Lu, L.‐H. Huang, M.S.H. Heng
Critical success factors of inter‐organizational information systems – a case study of Cisco and Xiao Tong in China
T. Baumgartner, H. Kajuter, A. Van
A sellers guide to B2B markets
M.B. Miles, A.M. Huberman
Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook
K. Peffers, C. Gengler
An innovative approach, using critical success factors and personal constructs theory for ‘uncovering’ high‐value strategic it project proposals for the firm
S. Standing, C. Standing, P.E.D. Love
A review of research on e‐marketplaces 1997‐2008
K. Werbach
Syndication: the emerging model for business in the internet era
R. Dewan, J. Bing, A. Seidmann
Adoption of internet‐based product customisation and pricing strategies
H. Nagati, C. Rebolledo
The role of relative absorptive capacity in improving suppliers’ operational performance
E. Loukis, D. Spinellis, A. Katsigiannis
Barriers to the adoption of B2B e‐marketplaces by large enterprises: lessons learnt from the Hellenic Aerospace Industry
R.D. Hof, L. Hemelstein
eBay vs
A. Zaheer, B. McEvily, V. Perrone
The strategic value of buyer‐supplier relationships
M. Johnson
Upstream supply chain benefits from e‐markets in the UK higher education sector
Purpose – The objective of this paper is to explore and determine a set of factors that are critical to the success of business‐to‐business (B2B) e‐markets in the aerospace and defence, healthcare, higher education and local government industry sectors, in order to advance our current understanding of what factors facilitate e‐market adoption and success. The paper examines critical success factors (CSFs) for e‐markets from a strategic fit perspective. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted a semi‐inductive qualitative approach based on a review of the literature, followed by a pilot study and 58 indepth semi‐structured interviews with senior level executives in buyer, supplier, e‐market and third‐party organisations. Qualitative data analysis software, QSR N6, was used to code and analyse the interview data for citations that corresponded with the candidate e‐market CSFs that had been identified either in the literature, pilot study or during the course of the interviews with respondents. The CSFs for e‐markets were ranked by the frequency of respondents citing a particular CSF. Findings – The study found eight factors that are critical to e‐market success and four factors (critical mass, integration issues, value proposition, and leadership participation) were found to be conducive to e‐market success in all four industry sectors. Likewise, four factors (industry knowledge, revenue model, branding and reputation, and rich content) were found to be only conducive to e‐market success in three of the four industry sectors. Practical implications – The paper can help academic researchers, managers, consultants, practitioners and other professionals better understand what factors are critical to the success of e‐markets and other online enterprises operating in the B2B marketspace. Originality/value – There have been numerous calls for more empirical research on the dynamics of e‐market adoption for more than a decade. To date, research on the CSFs for e‐markets has been largely anecdotal and sporadic with a paucity of studies noting factors that are likely to be favourable to e‐market success. This study addresses the call for more research on e‐markets and imparts empirical evidence on factors that are perceived to be conducive to the success of e‐markets. It contributes to the base of knowledge on e‐markets by relating the concept of CSFs with the theory of strategic fit as, to date, no known study has examined CSFs for e‐markets from a strategic fit perspective. The study also presents the benefits capabilities‐industry participants’ needs fit conceptual model as a precursor for theory building in future studies on B2B e‐markets and informs stakeholders involved in developing e‐markets or other online B2B ventures to better comprehend the conditions and determinants of success.
Marketing Intelligence & Planning – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 14, 2013
Keywords: Critical success factors; Business‐to‐business marketing; Electronic commerce; B2B e‐markets; E‐market capabilities; Strategic fit; Dynamic capabilities; Buyers; Suppliers; Industry participants; Benefits; Needs; Qualitative research
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