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P. Honey, A. Mumford
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P. Honey
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TA Today: A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis
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Lifeskills Teaching
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The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself
A. Frank
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Keeping a personal-professional journal
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The New Diary
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Action research and professional development
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Making Experience Pay
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Experiential Learning as a Source of Learning and Development
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Helping students become better learners: a case study in teacher educationHigher Education, 22
D. Kember, M. Kelly
Improving Teaching through Action Research
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My Brilliant Career
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T. Buzan, B. Buzan
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C.F. Hogan
Mind mapping – some practical applications
D. Boud, Rosemary Keogh, D. Walker (1985)
Reflection, turning experience into learning
P. Honey, A. Mumford
Using Your Learning Styles
A. Mumford
Using a learning log
G.F. Simons
Keeping Your Personal Journal
C. Tompkins, M.J. McGraw
The negotiated learning contract
K. Lewin
Action research in retrospect and minority problems
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Empowering Ethical EndingsManagement Development Review, 7
Strategies for enhancing empowerment
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Action Research and Minority ProblemsJournal of Social Issues, 2
J. Heron (1990)
The Facilitators' Handbook
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R.L. Cacioppe
Mind Maps
Aims to describe a variety of journal‐writing processes and how they have been used with students in a graduate course in human resource development; describes possible causes of learning and writing blocks and how they can be overcome; evaluates the creative journal process by describing advantages, disadvantages and issues from both the students′ and the lecturers′ perspectives; and offers suggestions for people who use the journal process.
The Learning Organization – Emerald Publishing
Published: Jun 1, 1995
Keywords: Human resource development; Learning; Reports
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