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Purpose – The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the concept of satisfaction in firm‐supplier relationships. Design/methodology/approach – A quantitative approach is considered in the study. The paper offers a set of scales to analyze the main antecedents of the relationship quality concept. Causal relations are also analyzed by testing a model based on structural equations. Findings – Cooperation, communication, trust and adaptation to expectations explain satisfaction. Proposals for further research related to commitment and long‐term orientation of supply relationships are also included. Research limitations/implications – This paper takes the Spanish context as reference. Generalization of the conclusions should begin with a previous analysis to consider the similarities and differences between contexts. The data of the research are based on the buyer's perspective. Practical implications – Suppliers are able to identify elements affecting satisfaction. In order to establish lasting relationships, suppliers must identify the real needs of companies. They must also manage cooperation, communication and trust. The model and measurement scales could easily be adapted beyond the dyad and beyond the whole demand‐supply chain. The conclusions could be valuable to both buyers and sellers. Originality/value – The paper highlights that some works published in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal indicate that the factors determining company‐supplier relationships have to be thoroughly studied and additional models explaining these relationships have to be tested.
Supply Chain Management An International Journal – Emerald Publishing
Published: May 2, 2008
Keywords: Supply chain management; Supplier relations; Customer satisfaction; Spain
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