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A. Kakabadse (1991)
The wealth creators : top people, top teams & executive best practice
C. Margerison, A. Kakabadse (1984)
How American Chief Executives Succeed: Implications for Developing High-Potential Employees
Reports a review of the Irish economic and political scene asbackground to a survey of best practice in Irish top management.Addresses issues of the competences required to induce added valueperformance from total organization. Four longterm consultancyassignments in different sectors led to the drafting of a questionnairedistributed by the Irish Management Institute 96 companies took part.Key competences emerged as vision team building practisingappropriate personal skills communication and generating asuccessoriented culture. Recommendations are given for top levelmanagement development.
Journal of Managerial Psychology – Emerald Publishing
Published: Feb 1, 1992
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